Friday, February 20, 2009

The Tapeworms of Life...

Today I took my sweet little cat, Fraidy, to the vet and found that the source of her recent weight loss was due to "tape worms". (I know... I'm the worst Cat Mom on the planet) During the discussion with the vet I was informed that when an animal has tape worms they can eat everything in sight and receive little to no nutrition because those "nasty worms" are taking it all.

After leaving the vet I began to think how there are "tapeworms" in my life too. Stop laughing - They are NOT stealing my calories that's for sure but they can block or steal my joy and my intimacy with Christ Jesus. Some of these "tapeworms" are jealousy, resentment, sense of entitlement, self-pity and well I could probably go on for days. If I allow any of these "tapeworms" to enter my life - regardless of how much I study the bible, pray and go to church I can be losing some of the blessed nutrients that God has for me. These spiritual nutrients help me to stay healthy, joyful and intimate with Christ. So, whenever I feel one of the above emotions sneaking in I - have to turn to my favorite bible verse and ask Jesus to take away the "tapeworm" and feel me with his wonderful word.

This is my prayer today:

Jesus, Thank you first for taking good care of fraidy today. I know that you love each of your creatures the same and she is just the sweetest little companion and I love her very much. Thank you lord for not letting my procrastination harm her.

But more so dear lord, I am asking that you remove the tapeworms in my life Lord. Please allow each and every morsel that you intend for me to make it was to my heart. Let each one nourish me and help me to grow into the strong, passionate, loving and godly woman that you created me to be. Jesus, I realize that I have come a long way and that I have SOOO far to go and I'm asking you today Lord to help me resist the temptations of this world to assume your heart for others and to look to your example for life and not that of this world.

Thank you Jesus for the amazing life that you have given me!!

"I can not count all the ways that you have blessed my life - All I know is that you came and made beauty from my MESS"... Aiyisha Woods

Friday, February 13, 2009

TOO Blessed to be Stressed...

I have so many blessings and just don't take the time to count them often enough. Today I am choosing to take out time to do that...

1. Jesus loves me... he loves you too!!
2. I have a job with a steady income and the option to choose others.
3. I have a beautiful condo that the bank and I own.
4. My parents are healthy, supportive and loving!!
5. I have supportive, loving and wonderful friends
6. God has lead me to an amazing Church (Summit)
7. God has been so faithful and provides for me EVERYDAY
8. I'm healthy & happy most days!!
9. I have a sweet little kitty that is always so happy when I get home...
10. God is using me in very small ways everyday and I need do nothing for it to happen :-)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wherever you Lead...

Ok, I still haven't posted any photos and I'm not keeping up with this blogging thing so well... but Oh, Well...

The following are a few of my NEW favorites things:

1. Vitamin Water (prefer the D but C is ok too)
2. ESTHER (the book in the bible)
3. Kashi vegetarian frozen meals
4. Hummus & Carrots
5. Mucinex (GREATEST stuff ever invented)

the other new thing in my life is...

I feel like God is doing something in my life right now and I'm not sure what... At one time in my life that would have driven me to ... Well, probably french fries!! lol... but I'm feeling quite peaceful about it these days. I used to be driven by the latest and biggest get-together. Two people having dinner - I was there!! 200 of my closest friends at a conference - I was there!! recently I feel God drawing me into solitude with him. I have always been the "HUGGER" and if you came within a five mile radius of me "you were gettin' you a hug" like it or not... :-) Now, I find myself forgetting to even hug people hello and others are starting to say "You didn't hug me - are you ok?" I know this seems petty but it's just something that I feel changing. I'm really starting to enjoy being at home alone - just relaxing and reading or spending time with Jesus!! and I use to hate being alone. I'm not sure where Jesus and I are headed but Wherever he leads I am determined to be willing to follow. (I say it that way because I'm not sure that I am 100% willing right now but I'm determined to be "willing" when God reveals it to me...)

Monday, January 12, 2009

God made me this way...

This weekend I attended a Kingdom Mobilization workshop facilitated by the one and only, Nolen Rollins. It was AWESOME and reminded me of a very important fact. I am not perfect and I have a very unique set of gifts, talents and personality traits and most importantly GOD MADE ME THIS WAY!! He's not done with me - That is for sure and certain but... He's ok with where I am for today and therefore so am I. I'm learning to be content with me just the way I am... and that may not sound like a huge revelation to some of you but... it is for me!! The following is a poem that I found and I really LOVE it... :-)

A Poem About Our Friends
Someone will always be prettier/more handsome.
Someone will always be smarter.
Some of their houses will be bigger.
Some will drive a better car.
Their children will do better in school.
And their wife/husband will fix more things around the house or make a better apple pie.
So let it go, and love you and your circumstances.
Think about it!
The prettiest woman/strongest man in the world can have hell in their heart.
The most highly favored person on your job may be unable to have children.
The richest person you know, the one who has the car, the house, the clothes~ might be lonely.
And the word says, 'If I have not Love, I am nothing.' So, again, love you. Love who you are. Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say, 'I am too Blessed to be Stressed and too Anointed, to be Disappointed!'

The top five things I'm thankful for today are...

1. I have some crazy amazing friends!! and I love them ALL...

2. I am so thankful that God led me to Summit Church - It ROCKS!!

3. I am very thankful for my family and their health... (My Aunt and cousins came to visit this weekend and it was so GREAT...

4. Thank you God for wonderful little condo and the ability to share it with others and for the journey that you have led me on this year!! (I know, that's sort of two but... you know me...)

5. Last and definitely not least... I feel thankful to have a job!! :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

NO scraps in 2009

Ok, This is my first try at this... So please bear with me!! :-)

2008 has been such a CRAZY, challenging, fun, exciting, petrifying, motivating, enlightening and absolutely wonderful year!! I have experienced loss, love, friendship, sadness, fear and happiness and I am so thankful for each moment as it has brought to where I am now.

I am looking to 2009 with extreme excitement and expectations of many good things. I have such wonderful friendships to carry into the next year - not to mention my strengthened relationship with Christ. My family, who has always been a source of strength for me, has grown even closer and I'm looking forward to even more fun times this year. (Stay tuned: for the goat milking pictures LOL!!)

Please leave me a post with your plans/goals/resolutions for 2009 or just to say "HI" :-)


About Me

42 year old, Single - Young at heart woman with an extreme passion for meeting and helping other people and enjoying everything that God brings to me.